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  • PLZ: 8800
  • Ort: Thalwil


  • Telefon: 076 679 97 67
  • E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!


    Francesca Baracchi


    Das erste Meeting ist kostenlos, danach 40 CHF für ein Meeting oder 150 CHF für 5 Meetings im ersten Jahr des Babys.

Weitere Informationen

    Becoming a mom is probably the most challenging experience in a woman’s life, however in our society the arrival of a new baby is always depicted just as a joyful and fulfilling moment. This view leads to some unrealistic expectations in new mothers and therefore unexpected emotions and struggles during the delicate time of the post-partum period can be difficult to understand and to accept. During these meetings we will discuss together some of the issues associated with the amazing transformation of a woman into a mother. In particular, the group is aimed to:

    1. inform and educate about topics such ‘baby blues’ and the emotional changes that can occur after childbirth

    2. foster discussion and provide support in a non-judgmental and protected environment

    3. help create connections and future relationships.

    Meetings will be held every other week. The first time is free of charge and without any reservation. If you are curious just show up! After the first time, the attendance will be 40 CHF for a single meeting or 150 CHF for a commitment to 5 times. These won't necessarily need to be consecutive, and can be used within the first year of your baby).